Account Registration

Guide to Registering for the River Bluff HOA Website


Your new website is no ordinary Internet site.  It offers a host of interactive features designed to keep you informed, showcase our community, and allow you to communicate with the association.

Registering your account

In order to provide security that only River Bluff residents have access to private information, a multi-step registration process is required.  Please understand that these steps are necessary to prevent anyone other than River Bluff Residents from gaining access, and are for your security.

A submitted registration must be approved before you may login and view the residents-only content of this site.  When you register, you will choose a user name and password, which should be something you easily can recall.

1.  Log In:  From the menu bar, click on Log In.  This is the ONLY TIME you will select Login until after the enrollment process is complete.

This WordPress access screen will be displayed.  Do not enter anything.  Simply click on the word Register.  (Do not click on Log In.  If you do, your access to the site will be blocked.)

2.  Register:  The WordPress Registration screen will be returned.  Create a user name you can easily remember.  Enter your email address and answer the simple mathematical problem in digits (for example: two x two = 4).  Yes, to ensure you are not a robot, there will be a simple math problem every time you log into the website.

Click on the Register button.  Please note the text that states “Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.”

The following window is returned.  Please note the text at the top which states that “Your registration is pending approval.”  Until you receive an email confirming your approval, you cannot go any further.  Close this window.

3.  Wait for an email:  WordPress will send you an email with the subject “[River Bluff HOA] Your username and password info.”  Open this email and use the URL provided to access the screen to set your password.

When you go to the URL included in this email, the following screen will be returned.  First, clear the New Password field.  You do not need to use such a cryptic password.  After clearing the field, enter a password you can remember.  It should be at least 6 characters in length.  After entering your password, click on the Reset Password button.  Do NOT log in yet.

4.  Set your password:  When you click on the link included in the email you receive, the following screen will be returned.  First, clear the displayed “New password” from the password field.  Enter a password that you will remember.  Then, click the Reset Password box.

A message will be displayed stating that your password has been reset.  BUT WAIT…do not log in yet.  For security purposes, the website administrator must approve your account first.  This may take 12 – 24 hours, but should be completed much quicker than that.  Until you receive an email stating that your account was approved, you cannot go any further.  Close this window.

5.  Wait for approval:  Once approved, you will receive an email from WordPress with the subject:  “[] Your account is now active”.  NOW you may log into the site.

6.  Log into new site:  Click on Log In on the website homepage menu bar.  The WordPress access screen will be displayed.  Enter your username and password, and complete the math problem.  Click on Log in.

You now have access to the residents-only functions.

Should you need assistance, the administrator is accessible at

Can I get a printed copy of these instructions?

Click here to open a PDF version that you may print.

Now that I have access, what’s on the website for me?

Important community announcements are sent via email and registering gets you on the list to receive them.  Your website has many private pages visible only to registered members such as user directories, events calendar, and River Bluff documents.  The website also offers you the chance to give feedback and suggestions to your HOA.